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Jenny Soep is an exciting documentary artist and illustrator, visualising live performances into
dynamic images of movement, atmosphere and energy. Her artwork is bold and sensitive at
the same time, creating an impact whether in a solo show or as illustrations in a publication.

Specialising in drawing the live performances of original, more alternative and experimental
music and art forms, Jenny Soep also uses creative ways of documenting, using different
technologies and approaches to drawing. By documenting live events on location, she creates
vibrant images affected and evocative of what she experiences in those spontaneous moments.

Jenny Soep has drawn the likes of Björk, David Byrne, Mogwai, Sigur Rós, Spiritualized, Arab Strap,
The Residents and more. Favouring more challenging scenarios and subjects to draw, she has also
been resident artist at various prestigious arts events and festivals including the Crossing Borders
Festival in Den Haag, Arches Theatre Festival, StAnza International Poetry Festival, Projector
Animation Festival, Connect, Triptych and T in the Park Music Festivals as well as being involved
as an integral part of performance herself. Drawing more electrically charged daily situations
Jenny Soep has drawn in sectarian pubs during Old Firm football games in Glasgow, to drawing
at protest marches, a school on fire and the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down.

Using more traditional watercolour and paper, Jenny has also drawn on anything from a dinner
napkin to her Nokia Mobile Phone, using whatever materials are at hand from Taiwanese
moonshine to hair cuttings and beer.

A trained illustrator and printmaker with her MA in Illustration: Authorial Practice, Jenny Soep’s
images have been used in various editorials, books, websites, blogs, promotional material and
exhibitions worldwide.

To register an interest in purchasing artwork, booking for a seminar, workshops or any other
enquiries please e-mail:

Links and Articles




  • 2011 - ‘Drawing Time and Attention - An Audience Member’ - Solo Show, Arches
  • 2011 - ‘Loop de Loop’ - Exhibition of 17 drawings created during W.I.D. event ‘Loop’
  • 2011 - ‘Loop’ - All day event, 100th Anniversary of Women’s International Day, Tramway
  • 2011 - Drawing The Experience - Different Techniques - RSD with Avalanche, Edinburgh
  • 2010 - Wintercycle - Live Drawing and Improvised Performance Duet with Jer Reid
  • 2010 - Allotment - Live U.V. Painting of and for Improvised Music for the NTS
  • 2009 - Sketching the Scene - Solo Show - Music Library, George iv Bridge, Edinburgh
  • 2009 - Sketching the Scene - Solo Show - Mono, Kings Court, Glasgow
  • 2009 - Sketching the Scene - Solo Show - Byre Theatre, St Andrews
  • 2008 - Becks Fusions - Contemporary Art Society collection
  • 2008 - Residency, Arches Theatre Festival April, Arches Live, Sept. Arches Main Bar, Glasgow
  • 2008 - ‘Drawing Breath’ - Exhibition of drawings from StAnza Poetry Festival, Byre Theatre
  • 2008 - Solo Show - Projector Animation Festival - Installation, Drawing in Situ and Blog
  • 2007 - ‘Drawing the Experience’ - Solo Show - Resipole Studios, Ardnamurchan and ‘Open Mic/Open Draw’
               - Public drawing workshop combined with Open Mic
  • 2005 - ‘The Speckled Egg - 15 Visual Narratives’, paperback published by Atlantic Press
  • 2005 - Masters Show, University College Falmouth
  • 2002 - ‘Mo-ped up a Tree’ Free Music, Poetry and Art Exhibition, Taichung City, Taiwan

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